
Amatriciano is an Italian cheese made with mixed milk in Lazio

Amatriciano is an Italian cheese made with mixed milk in Lazio

Raw material: 70% cow's milk, 3.5% fat, 6.6% acidity in SH/100 Friesian.

Power supply: 50% pasture, 50% forage (grass, oats, vetch, peas, silage). 30% sheep's milk, 8% fat, 7.5-8% acidity in SH/100 mixed breeds crossed with Sopravvissana.

Technology of preparation: filtering the milk, pasteurized at about 65-70 degrees, cooled to 4 degrees, kid rennet paste. After these operations, the mass is placed into molds and forms are stewed over 100 degrees for the draining of whey. Salting is carried out in brine (12 hours). It matures in 1-2 months and is held in cold storage at 5-6 degrees. The cheeses are washed once or twice. Yield 9%. Seasoning: you do not make.

Characteristics of the finished product: weight: 1.8 kg; shape: classic round; crust: dark yellow, brown, smooth and slightly thick; fat: 45%.

Production area: Amateur and Lioness. Production calendar: spring and summer.

Notes: Company's emerging is a cheese milk producers cooperative of amateur arl withdrawing the milk from even breeders in Lioness. Grazing takes place on mountains ranging from 1,000 to 1,600 meters. For disposal of the products, the cooperative has opened a dozen stores - several of them in Rome.


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