Bra Duro Alpino DOP

Bra Duro Alpine PDO is an Italian cheese made with cow's milk and produced in Piemonte - Piemonte Region

Bra Duro Alpine PDO is an Italian cheese made with cow's milk and produced in Piemonte - Piemonte Region

A large grated table cheese, pressed into a cylindrical with flat and hard faces.
Its rind is inedible and is dark beige in color.
The paste is consistent in texture and has small holes that are barely visible and not widespread. It is yellow, opaque and dark ocher in color. It has a fruity, almond flavor, and sometimes spicy. The Bra Duro PDO has a specific decreed place of the pastures that the cows graze to do so, in section 3.2.3 of section 02 of the Disciplinary Norm of the certification of conformity of the product. The cow's milk used for the Bra Duro PDO is from cows that are fed exclusively in the mountainous area of ​​the Josina Valley. The dairy itself is located in a mountainous area and the cheese is matured in wineries in the same area.


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