Burrino soppressata

Burrino farcito con soppressata is an Italian cheese made with cow's milk in Basilicata

Burrino farcito con soppressata is an Italian cheese made with cow's milk in Basilicata

Burrino Farcito con soppressata is a burrino cheese stuffed with pork cheese and Basilicata cow's
milk Ingredients: whole cow's milk, pork cheese.
Process technology: it is very similar to the process with which Burrino cheese is made, but they differ in that the butter ball, instead of being complete, is hollowed out and contains a small piece of mature pork cheese. Maturation: one month, in the cellar.
Finished product characteristics: pear-shaped. Bark: soft ivory or pale yellow color.
Pasta: buttery, the one that contains the small pig cheese wrapped in a thin layer of butter wrapped again by a thin spun rind. Flavor: Diverse
Production area: in the city of Rionero in Vulture (PZ).

Production time: from December to April-May.
Note: that it has a piece of pork inside makes it particularly interesting. The sweet taste of the butter softens the aggressive flavor of the pork sausage, creating a balanced harmony of flavors. 


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